Biotin Benefits For The Body and Its Natural Sources

 Talking about biotin and its amazing benefits for the body, hair, and skin started in recent years. So what really is it? What are the benefits of biotin? Let’s read more.

Biotin benefits

Biotin benefits

Have you heard before about a beneficial compound called biotin? So what is the truth about biotin? What are its benefits? Does it have any damages?

  • What is biotin?

Biotin is a member of the B family of vitamins. It has several other names, including vitamin E and vitamin B7.

It helps the body convert food into energy, and it is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding for women.

  • Biotin benefits

You must have heard a lot about the benefits of biotin. And you may have started taking a biotin supplement, so what is the truth about its benefits?

  • 1- Enhance and improve metabolism

Biotin is one of the important and necessary vitamins for energy production in the body, as there are many enzymes that need biotin in order to function properly.

These enzymes enter the general metabolism process and metabolism of various carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, by stimulating what happens in the early stages of the metabolism.

  • 2- Strengthening weak nails

Weak nails are those that can crack and break quickly, a condition that affects 20% of people around the world. Studies are starting to show that biotin may help strengthen weak nails.

In a study conducted by the researchers, in which 8 people were given 2.5 mg of biotin daily for a period ranging between 6-15 months, it was found that:

  • The nail thickness of all study participants increased by 25%.
  • The incidence of cracking and cracking of nails decreased.

This is still understudying, as all the studies were small scale.

  • 3- Improve hair health

Although there are many products and ads promoting the amazing benefits of biotin when it comes to hair health, scientific studies on this matter are still few and early.

But it is worth noting that having a deficiency in biotin may lead to significant hair loss. Which means that biotin is an important vitamin for hair. But taking it in the form of nutritional supplements may not make a big difference in cases of hair loss except in people who are actually biotin deficient.

  • 4- An important vitamin during pregnancy and lactation

Scientific research has begun to link these two stages in a woman’s life with an increasing need for biotin. It has been found that approximately 50% of pregnant women may have mild biotin deficiency.

Researchers believe that a pregnant woman suffers from a biotin deficiency as a result of the rapid breakdown of biotin in the body during pregnancy.

It is worth noting here that some preliminary studies carried out by researchers on animals have shown that biotin deficiency during pregnancy may cause birth defects in fetuses.

  • 5- Helping to reduce blood sugar in diabetics

Some studies show that taking biotin supplements may help people with type 2 diabetes regulate blood sugar levels, provided they are taken with other supplements, such as chromium supplements.

  • 6- Improve skin health

The role biotin plays in the health and appearance of the skin is still being researched, but what we know so far, is that a lack of biotin may cause red scales and a rash on the skin.

Also, some studies have shown that a lack of biotin may cause a skin condition called cradle cap.

The potential role that biotin plays in skin health may be due to the fact that biotin is involved in a metabolism process that, if done properly, reflects positively on the skin.

However, there is no evidence yet that biotin can improve the appearance of skin in people without a deficiency in it.

  • 7- Useful in the case of multiple sclerosis

Considered multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, occurs when infected with the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord and eye damage, the researchers believe that biotin one of the important elements involved in the formation of these membranes operations.

A small study conducted on a group of multiple sclerosis patients found that 90% of patients experienced an improvement in their condition when consuming high doses of biotin.

  • Foods containing biotin

Biotin is present in many of the foods we eat daily, which makes its deficiency rare occurrence, and among the most important foods that contain biotin:

  • Meat, liver, and kidneys.
  • Yeast.
  • Yolk.
  • The cheese.
  • Leafy vegetables.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Nuts.
  • Legumes, such as soybeans and peanuts.

In addition to these many sources, gut bacteria also produce biotin in the body.

  • Take high doses of biotin

Biotin is safe, and even high doses of it often do not cause any harm. Because biotin is one of the vitamins that dissolve in water. And any additional amounts of it that the body does not need are excreted naturally through the urine.

But in a few cases, it was found that taking biotin in high doses may cause an imbalance in the results of some tests, such as thyroid tests, so please be careful and always consult your doctor.


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