Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.”


Courtesy means showing politeness and civility in one’s attitude and behavior toward others. It, of course, springs from good breeding and kindness of heart and soul. A courteous man is pleasant and polite to everyone. He observes good manner on all occasions and always respect the feeling of others.

Moral norms and ethical values based on the teachings of all religions of the world. It would be right to say that only by following these norms and values the foundations of modern civilization and culture were laid. Man the crown of all the creatures of God is endowed with a moral sense that enables him to establish amiable and pleasant relations with his fellowmen based on mutual respect. He has the capability to find the difference between good and evil.

Courtesy means showing politeness and civility in one’s attitude and behavior toward others. It, of course, springs from good breeding and kindness of heart and soul. A courteous man is pleasant and polite to everyone. He observes good manner on all occasions and always respect the feeling of others.

Moral norms and ethical values based on the teachings of all religions of the world. It would be right to say that only by following these norms and values the foundations of modern civilization and culture were laid. Man the crown of all the creatures of God is endowed with a moral sense that enables him to establish amiable and pleasant relations with his fellowmen based on mutual respect. He has the capability to find the difference between good and evil.

The best of you are those who have the best character”

Courtesy includes such virtues as generosity, co-operation, forgiveness, humility, honesty in dealing, appreciation, unselfishness, and faithfulness in agreements. These are the virtues that regulate our relations not only with our near and dear ones but also with our foes and friends. It is because of this that God has again and again enjoined upon us to be humble and courteous to others.

We should talk softly and politely and should never indulge in loose talks.  Those who are impolite and rude to others are despised by everyone. Nobody loves or respects them and thus, they are left alone, helpless, and they don’t have any friend. Let us be courteous to all. Let us love and respect every single person around us either he is a minister or a sweeper. Our hearts should be filled with human kindness and love, so this earth planet may one day become an earthly paradise. We should be polite because:

“Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.”


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