Definition Of Friendship

definition of friendship

The definition of friendship in our heads differs from one another. It is not wrong to say that there is no proper definition of friendship. It is just our brain that gives rise to different definitions. The difference in the definition of friendship sometimes leads to the end of a friendship. It has happened to me too. In this article, I am going to explain my life experience with you all.

In school, our group was famous because of our non-disciplined attitude. We were good at studies. Because of this, the teacher didn’t use to punish us. Our friendship bond was getting stronger day by day. Then there was a time when we just can’t live without each other. People were jealous of our friendship. Two years later, some of our group members left the school. Everything changed after that.

If the universe is removing people from your life, let them GO”

I think that friendship does not mean to share every personal thing or to chat and call multiple times a day. It does not make our friendship stronger. I think friendship is in hearts and not in daily conversations. These are just formalities.
On another hand my friends I mean old friends always needed these things. Their new friends have the same nature as they have. I am not saying that my definition is correct. I am saying that change of mindset can break the friendship very easily.


According to them, all the fault is of mine. What they don’t understand is that we are not able to control our brains. It is our brain that controls us. We tried our best not to break this bond, but we failed. I’m still happy because I know that:

“Everything happens for a reason”

At last, I just want to say that don’t insist on that thing which your brain does not want to accept. And do not go against the will of your heart. Listen to your heart. Once the people are removed by your heart, you can’t love them no matter how much you try. I can say that people who are not in my heart can no longer stay in my life and by ‘people’ I also mean ‘friends’. The definition of friendship in your head matters a lot.


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