How to Stay Productive Even With Anxiety

m just trying to speak that no matter what I have been through with it and am still struggling to cope up.

The bottom line is- It’s okay.

Anxiety could kick in and you won’t even know it, the fear or anticipation of what is to come or the overwhelming action by some memory.

If you would like to know the root cause of your anxiety then you could consult a doctor or you could actually try it yourself by retracing back to what you were thinking. That could a little difficult but sometimes for self-realization and a try to cure thyself if you have to put yourself in that position.

This could be a little triggering to someone and some people, I do have anxiety and I do not claim to have cured myself but little steps at a time have helped me a lot.

A few causes to have anxiety include:


The elements around you can contribute to your anxiety. Negative talks, stressing over tiniest things, stress from jobs, personal relationships, finance.

Even low oxygen levels on high altitudes can contribute to anxiety.


Medical Factors

Some medications can have a side effect of causing anxiety, some diseases can have the same effect. Some medical conditions might not directly cause the effect but you could notice some changes in lifestyle, restricted movements, pain.


I had PCOD, the medications prescripted to me had a drastic effect while the same medication worked fine for someone else. I had crazy mood changes, my anxiety got a point where I did not even want to go outside and see the sun. And on some days I just wanted to go outside and would get frustrated if I did stay inside for too long.


The hunger pangs I had were a sight to see if I was hungry and I got something to eat I would immediately vomit it out as the smell of any food while hungry was nauseous. As soon as I got good, I gained back my appetite.



Genetics can play a role in causing anxiety if you can notice any member having the anxiety disorder


Anxiety can emerge when you assume the worst of a situation, the stress of the living day-to-day routine with any of the elements listed above could cause anxiety. An anxiety disorder can be developed without any external stimuli whatsoever.


Overthinking could be a big cause of anxiety(in my experience), overthinking every little detail of any change could cause hamper in your usual routine. This could lead to a change in daily routine or concentration. It could lead to restlessness.

I have had experiences where I have felt empty with restlessness, nothing in the daily to-dos could change my will to do something.

There are times I did not even want to move out of a chair and walk and here I’ve been writing a blog. This might not help you in the long terms but a few little changes that I took helped me with anxiety.


The certain daily things include


Getting up early

The motivation to see the sunrise one day makes me want to get up early every morning.

I get up at 7 AM every day except for Sundays(I tend to sleep in for an extra hour), I brush my teeth, do my bathroom activities and then I go outside to take in the sun, the vitamin D we need on a daily basis.


Taking a walk

Walking outside in nature in the morning or evening without any earphones plugged in gave me a realization that simple things like the birds chirping, any squirrel passing by, or even looking at the sky could cause immense happiness to our little hearts.

These among many simple things are what we take for granted.



This is a habit I induced in myself whenever I felt anxious. I read poems and stories by many great storytellers, even during the quarantine I made a promise to myself to keep reading at least one page daily to keep my mind engaged.



Doing one new thing every day

It might be the tiniest thing to you but doing so could make you feel accomplished.

Watering your plants, talking to them is what you could do today.

If you don’t have plants try writing one or two things that you’re grateful for. These things might bring a change in you that you could have fancied.


Drinking water

This might not make sense to you but this was a task for me, I did not like drinking water. I would about 1.5L per day and it did not do me any good.

Drinking water is beneficial not just your health and skin but it also keeps you running(in all senses you might interpret this).


Adopting a hobby

Anything that interests you or keeps you busy for the longest time is a time well invested not wasted. Scrolling through social media is not a hobby, please understand this.


Social media is good if you have a business, or you need to know about something or someone. Long hours on it might not be beneficial for you.


Instead try making a doodle or a sketch, try singing, dancing your heart out.

Try learning a new language.

Learn a new instrument.

Try meditation.


The reason I suggested all these hobbies is because they tend to rewire your brain, you might find yourself more patient and calm than before.

Try working out

Moving around and exercising has had a great impact on me.

I shed a lot of weight and unnecessary fats which in turn gave me the confidence to go out by myself. Half an hour of daily exercise increases the blood flow and it makes you sweat, tell me who doesn’t want to sweat for a good confidence shake?


There are a ton of exercises to choose from on Youtube or even apps. I had started out with simple aerobic exercises and now I follow HIIT at home.

Let the extra oxygen flow to your head. 

These have been tiny changes I brought in my daily routine to escape my anxiety issues on a daily basis. I still do have bad days but having a little chocolate could help too!


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