Life Is Unpredictable

 life is unpredictable

We often listen or read this line that “life is unpredictable”. What does it mean? How our lives are unpredictable? Why can’t we plan our lives? I always used to think this that why our lives are not in our will control? I asked this question to my friends. They said that it is because God created us and our lives are controlled by him. I thought WHY?? After thinking about it for long, I was watching an interview in which the scholar said one thing. That changed my thoughts. I got my answer. In this article, I am going to tell you about my experience.

Let me give you an example first, consider yourself as a teenager. You have a pet dog named Willy or whatever. You love your dog. Gives him amazing food to eat. Plays with him and also takes him to a walk every morning. One day your friend comes for a night over. Willy gives him so much importance. Play with him for a day and just ignore you. How will you feel? You’ll be like that I always give him food, I play with him every day, and he just starts loving a random person in a day. WHY? You do not want to control him. You just want him to love you more than anyone because he is yours and you deserve his love.

If Willy tries to play with nails. Will you allow him? Of course not. Because you don’t want him to get hurt. He will feel bad that you stopped him from playing but you tried to protect him from harm. In life, God protects us from many things just to protect us from harm. We feel bad that things are not happening according to our will. But what you don’t understand is that God is trying to protect you from harm. Because he loves you.

   “God’s greatest attribute is not his power, though it is omniscience; not his glory, though it is burning majesty: it is his love.”

I gave you an example of your friend and Willy because it was necessary to explain the point. Let me explain the purpose of that example. When we start focusing on our other life activities and start to ignore our God. He also wants his people to worship him because he gives us food and everything in life is given by him. He loves us so much. It is our responsibility to makes him happy.

Life is so unpredictable that one minute everything is going exactly the way you have planned and then out of the blue, your whole world crashes down. It just takes a flick of a button and your whole world is turned upside down. You never know what sort of event will happen not because it is controlled by our God but because he wants to save us from many harms. It is just our mind that takes time to accept and understand this truth.

                                                   “At its best, life is completely unpredictable”


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