You Are The Reason of Your Joy


You Are The Reason of Your Joy

victories of survival

Everyone wants to accomplish success in his/her life. Every one craves to get the dream life full of delight and victories no matter how much the path is curved and filled with splinters and stones but the surpassing passion to reach the top is something which prompts the man to keep going.


As we can see the people around us the young the old have set aims in the mind to reach some point. I do have some goals to complete I aspire to have a maximum of the world I want to transform my world. Which perhaps everyone wants I want to bring comfort in the chaos of my mind. I don’t compel to move with unwanted. But how it can happen is quite a difficult question.

common race

I used to get up in the morning and start becoming engaged in my work my home task, my professional work my social work .its a perpetual race which never breaks or something nonstop. So I think I should start from my side I am a common person with a common routine but dreams are too uncommon which even won’t match my common standard of life.


But still, there is very timid flame bring which warmth notify me that something invincible is inside me, the breeze which blows upon my face whisper something into my ears that yes you are the one whom you are waiting to bring change in your life the inner voice in my mind inform me that you will be the cause of your success sooner or later but keep having faith upon your destiny listen your inner voice don’t ignore it or don’t deny it. Don’t engage in the bustle of dusty voices which are letting down your confidence.


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