Life Goes On!!
There are moments in life in which we think that life will stop for us. We will never be able to enjoy our lives again. But it’s not true. Life never stops. It goes on. It is just our mind that takes time to accept this. Let us take an example if you find out that you have failed the final exams. What will be your feelings? You will feel like you have lost everything, you will not be able to do anything in the future, you will just hibernate in your room for a few days but then slowly you will start to understand that life will not stop, it was you who have stopped. Life just goes on without caring about you. Sometimes when we lose our friends, it seems that life has stopped for us but that’s your mind that is not ready to accept that our old friends have gone and you have to make new friends now. After some time you will make new friends and just forget about the mental trauma you have suffered from. It’s because life goes on. Let me share my own experience. Once my exams were o...