
Lose Weight – Keep Off The Fats Forever!

  Overweight or obesity are two synonymous words that refer to a bodyweight that is more than what is normal for a specific height. Overweight or obesity is actually due to extra fat in the body. Obesity is becoming a leading problem worldwide, and it does not only affect adults but children as well. Prevent obesity from destroying your health by being mindful of what you eat. Shifting to a healthy lifestyle and having the right attitude for food is the key to a more active and long life. Let us start keeping off the fats and lose weight now. Lessen Your Carb Consumption What is the best way to lose weight while staying healthy? Plan a meal that is low in carbohydrates. Cutting back with your carbs results to reduce appetite. When you have less sugar to burn then your body now turns to burn your stored fat for energy.  Also, eliminating carbs, starches, or sugar in your diet can cause insulin drop, decrease your appetite, thus paving the way to lose weight. Increase your Fat Consumptio

Public relation and my personality

  Three years journey I just graduated from my major , “public relation”  (PR). I had no idea what PR is and what it does in life! I studied it for three years at LIU (Lebanese International University). These three years passed so quickly but also, three years had a great way to impact on my personality. I became a person who’s proud of myself. I am a shy dependent one who finds difficulty in talking, asking, and communicating. When I went to register a major I had no idea about it (PR), then after that, the PR advisor had explained briefly about it for a moment I felt excited because I wanted to be an independent person with a strong personality, but also at the same time, I felt hesitated in my thoughts. Public relations can present a speech (all types of speech), organize an event, communicate with others, builds relations, and can be a manager assistant, in addition to these specialized electives courses such as advertising pitching, theatre, acting, etc. All these oblige me to mo


  What is Sleepwalking? Have you ever wondered about being asleep and awake at the same time? Well, have you heard of sleepwalking disorder? In this disorder, the person performs activities during sleep that we do while awake. Sleepwalking is also known by other names such as noctambulism or somnambulism. The person suffering from the sleepwalking disorder is completely unaware of the activities he is performing while asleep. The activities can be cleaning, consuming food, walking to a bathroom, sitting up in bed, and talking. Even sleepwalkers tend to perform hazardous activities while asleep such as cooking, driving a motor vehicle, and even homicide. A Brief History The phenomenon of sleepwalking has mystified and surprised researchers over many decades. Little was known regarding the disorder until the beginning of the 19th century. At first instance, researchers thought that sleepwalking is the act performed by a dreamer of what he/she has envisioned in the dream. Also, it was stu

You Are The Reason of Your Joy

  You Are The Reason of Your Joy victories of survival Everyone wants to accomplish success in his/her life. Every one craves to get the dream life full of delight and victories no matter how much the path is curved and filled with splinters and stones but the surpassing passion to reach the top is something which prompts the man to keep going. expectation As we can see the people around us the young the old have set aims in the mind to reach some point. I do have some goals to complete I aspire to have a maximum of the world I want to transform my world. Which perhaps everyone wants I want to bring comfort in the chaos of my mind. I don’t compel to move with unwanted. But how it can happen is quite a difficult question. common race I used to get up in the morning and start becoming engaged in my work my home task, my professional work my social work .its a perpetual race which never breaks or something nonstop. So I think I should start from my side I am a common person with a common

Biotin Benefits For The Body and Its Natural Sources

  Talking about biotin and its amazing benefits for the body, hair, and skin started in recent years. So what really is it? What are the benefits of biotin? Let’s read more. Biotin benefits Have you heard before about a beneficial compound called biotin? So what is the truth about biotin? What are its benefits? Does it have any damages? What is biotin? Biotin is a member of the B family of vitamins. It has several other names, including vitamin E and vitamin B7. It helps the body convert food into energy, and it is especially important during pregnancy and breastfeeding for women. Biotin benefits You must have heard a lot about the benefits of biotin. And you may have started taking a biotin supplement, so what is the truth about its benefits? 1- Enhance and improve metabolism Biotin is one of the important and necessary vitamins for energy production in the body, as there are many enzymes that need biotin in order to function properly. These enzymes enter the general metabolism proces

Digital Marketing Strategies For Boosting Online Posts

  66% of advertisers state improving site design improvement (SEO) is their top inbound promoting need. With a solid SEO methodology, you can pull in individuals to your site. With useful, remarkable substance, you would then be able to transform those guests into paying clients. Boosting on web posts is significant. By making it simpler for individuals to locate your substance, you can support your reach and pull in new clients. Here are six methodologies and computerized showcasing tips you can use to support your range. With these tips, you can pull in a group of people of perusers to your site. At that point, urge those perusers to become prompts to develop your business! 1. Know Your Audience While boosting on the web posts, the initial step is to comprehend your intended interest group. You can’t pull in individuals to your site on the off chance that you don’t have a clue how to engage their inclinations. You can finish forceful objective statistical surveying or recruit an inte

Definition Of Friendship

The definition of friendship in our heads differs from one another. It is not wrong to say that there is no proper definition of friendship. It is just our brain that gives rise to different definitions. The difference in the definition of friendship sometimes leads to the end of a friendship. It has happened to me too. In this article, I am going to explain my life experience with you all. In school, our group was famous because of our non-disciplined attitude. We were good at studies. Because of this, the teacher didn’t use to punish us. Our friendship bond was getting stronger day by day. Then there was a time when we just can’t live without each other. People were jealous of our friendship. Two years later, some of our group members left the school. Everything changed after that. “ If the universe is removing people from your life, let them GO” I think that friendship does not mean to share every personal thing or to chat and call multiple times a day. It does not make our friendsh